It is possible to add parameters or complement automatically detected parameters such as path, header, query and body. Use the #swagger.parameters['parameterName']
to create a new parameter or to complete an existing parameter (automatically detected).
All optional parameters:
/* #swagger.parameters['parameterName'] = {
in: <string>,
description: <string>,
required: <boolean>,
type: <string>,
format: <string>,
schema: <array>, <object> or <string>
} */
in: path, header, query, body, formData, etc. (By default is query)
description: The parameter description. (By default is empty)
required: true or false (By default is false, except the path parameter)
type: boolean, number, integer, string or array. (By default is string when 'schema' is missing)
format: int64, etc. (By default is null)
schema: See section Schemas and Definitions
app.get('/path/:id', (req, res) => {
// #swagger.parameters['id'] = { description: 'Some description...' }
app.get('/path', (req, res) => {
/* #swagger.parameters['parameterName'] = {
in: 'query',
description: 'Some description...'
type: 'number'
} */
});'/path', (req, res) => {
/* #swagger.parameters['body'] = {
in: 'body',
description: 'Add a user',
schema: { $ref: '#/definitions/someDefinition' }
} */
});'/path', (req, res) => {
/* #swagger.parameters['body'] = {
in: 'body',
description: 'Some description...',
schema: {
$name: 'John Doe',
$age: 29,
about: ''
} */
// Upload single file using Multer"/upload", uploader.single("singleFile"), (req, res) => {
#swagger.consumes = ['multipart/form-data']
#swagger.parameters['singleFile'] = {
in: 'formData',
type: 'file',
required: 'true',
description: 'Some description...',
} */
const file = req.file;
// Upload multiple files using Multer"/uploads", uploader.array("multFiles", 2), (req, res) => {
#swagger.consumes = ['multipart/form-data']
#swagger.parameters['multFiles'] = {
in: 'formData',
type: 'array',
required: true,
description: 'Some description...',
collectionFormat: 'multi',
items: { type: 'file' }
} */
const files = req.files;
Body behaviors
To disable the automatic body recognition, see about the autoBody in the Options.
If there is any #swagger.parameters[...] = { in: 'body', ... }
with schema declared, the automatic body recognition will be ignored, for example:'/path', (req, res) => {
/* #swagger.parameters['body'] = {
in: 'body',
description: 'Some description...',
schema: {
$name: 'John Doe',
$age: 29,
about: ''
} */
const myItem1 = req.body.item1; // Will be ignored by swagger-autogen
const { item2, item3 } = req.body; // Will be ignored by swagger-autogen
However, if you want to add more information to the automatically recognized body, declared the #swagger.parameters
adding in: 'body'
, BUT without the schema, such as:'/path', (req, res) => {
/* #swagger.parameters['body'] = {
in: 'body',
description: 'Some description...'
} */
const myItem1 = req.body.item1;
const { item2, item3 } = req.body;
In the case above, the body will be automatically recognized and the description will be assigned to it.