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Property Inheritance

In order for the same properties to be assigned to all subroutes, declare them in middlewares, such as:

app.use('/v1', routesV1
#swagger.tags = ['someTag'] = [{
"apiKeyAuth": []

#swagger.responses[500] = {
schema: { $ref: '#/definitions/someSchema' }

#swagger.responses[501] = {
ifStatusPresent: true,
schema: { $ref: '#/definitions/someSchema' }

In the case above, all the enpoints belonging to '/v1' route will received the someTag tag, security property and status code 500. But only endpoints that contain the 501 status code will receive the description and schema declared in #swagger.responses[501] = {...} because of the ifStatusPresent property equal to true.

NOTE 1: By default, the ifStatusPresent parameter is false. For the case above, If it is true, only endpoints that contain any 501 status code will receive the properties. Otherwise, 501 status code will not be shown.

NOTE 2: To disable security only for a specific endpoint belonging to route '/v1', use the // = null .