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It is possible to change some options of the module by passing an object as a parameter. This object is optional.

const options = {
openapi: <string>, // Enable/Disable OpenAPI. By default is null
language: <string>, // Change response language. By default is 'en-US'
disableLogs: <boolean>, // Enable/Disable logs. By default is false
autoHeaders: <boolean>, // Enable/Disable automatic headers recognition. By default is true
autoQuery: <boolean>, // Enable/Disable automatic query recognition. By default is true
autoBody: <boolean>, // Enable/Disable automatic body recognition. By default is true
writeOutputFile: <boolean> // Enable/Disable writing the output file. By default is true
const swaggerAutogen = require('swagger-autogen')(options);

openapi: To enable OpenAPI v3, assign a version, such as "3.0.0". If missing or assigned with NULL, Swagger 2.0 will be set.

language: Change the response language. To see available languages, go to the section Response Languages

autoHeaders, autoQuery and autoBody: Enable or disable automatic automatic body, query or headers recognition. To enable/disable the recognition for a specific endpoint, use the following tags in the endpoint's function:

// #swagger.autoBody = true 
// #swagger.autoBody = false
// #swagger.autoQuery = true 
// #swagger.autoQuery = false
// #swagger.autoHeaders = true 
// #swagger.autoHeaders = false